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Boosting Your Brain: How to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

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Ever heard of dopamine? It’s a key chemical in our minds. It handles several roles, from controlling how we feel pleasure to deciding our happiness levels. It also influences some health conditions. That’s why we should know about dopamine. This knowledge can help us lead happier and healthier lives.

In this blog, we’ll talk about what dopamine is and the problems tied to low levels. We’ll teach you ways to boost dopamine naturally. Plus, we’ll explain when you should seek medical advice. Ready to learn more about dopamine?

Did you know? 

Understanding Dopamine

Dopamine does more than just make us feel good. It does a lot of things in our bodies. From controlling our movements to shaping our moods and thoughts.

1. Role of Dopamine

So what role does dopamine play? It’s a neurotransmitter. That means it moves signals in our body. A few of its roles include handling motivation, memory, attention, and pleasure.

2. How Dopamine Works

How does dopamine work? It’s made in our brain and then sent out through four main pathways. Each pathway controls its own process. When we do things that give us joy, dopamine is released. This makes us want to do those joyful things again because they make us feel happy and satisfied.

3. Understanding Dopamine Deficiency

What’s dopamine deficiency? It’s when our body has too little dopamine. It can change our mood, drive and even bodily functions. Conditions like depression and Parkinson’s disease are often tied to low dopamine.

Conditions associated with Dopamine deficiency

There are many health issues linked to low dopamine like:

Getting enough sleep, exercising, listening to music, meditating and spending time in the sun can all boost dopamine levels. Overall, a balanced diet and lifestyle can go a long way in increasing your body’s natural production of dopamine and helping your brain function at its best.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Symptoms of Low Dopamine

Recognizing symptoms of low dopamine levels is crucial. It helps detect and treat the issue early.

Physical Symptoms

Physical signs like tremors, tight muscles, balanced issues, tiredness, or poor sleep could point to low dopamine levels.

Emotional Symptoms

On the emotional side, if you continually feel sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or can’t focus, it could mean your dopamine levels are low.

Causes of Low Dopamine Levels

Low dopamine levels can occur due to things like poor diet and lack of exercise. Hence, knowing these causes and making changes can help balance your dopamine levels.

1. Diet and Nutrition

Eating the wrong food or eating too much fat can lower dopamine levels. But a healthy diet can help.

2. Lack of Physical Activity

Not exercising enough can result in low dopamine. Regular workouts can boost our dopamine levels.

3. Chronic Stress

Being continually stressed can lower dopamine levels over time. So, keeping stress in check is important for healthy dopamine levels.

4. Lack of Sleep

Good sleep helps balance our dopamine levels. Hence, not sleeping enough can reduce dopamine.

Dopamine, commonly known as the pleasure chemical, is one of the four feel-good hormones of the human body. Depression, anxiety and mood swings are very commonly associated with dopamine deficiency. Consulting a physician would be very helpful in finding the underlying cause and rule out dopamine deficiency in case of persistent symptoms.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Also read: Boost Your Mood: Methods To How To Increase Serotonin Levels

How to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

Low Dopamine is tough, but don’t worry. There are natural ways to increase dopamine.

1. Diet and Nutrition

Did you know your diet can impact your dopamine levels? Eating foods rich in tyrosine, less fat and more probiotics can raise dopamine levels.

Eat Lots of Protein

Foods rich in tyrosine, found in proteins, can help increase dopamine levels.

Consume Less Saturated Fat

Saturated fats could mess with dopamine. But unsaturated fats don’t seem to do the same.

Consider Probiotics and Velvet Beans

Eating probiotics can improve our mood, possibly by raising dopamine. Velvet beans, loaded with L-dopa (which comes before dopamine), could help too.

2. Lifestyle Changes

Changing your lifestyle can help increase dopamine naturally.

Regular Exercise

Regular workouts can boost your dopamine levels. This can be simple exercises, like yoga or walks.

Importance of Adequate Sleep

After a good night’s sleep, dopamine levels are highest in the morning. This tells you how important good sleep habits are.

The Role of Sunlight

Did you know sunlight can boost dopamine? But watch out: avoid harm from too much sun.

3. Mindful Activities

Focus-required activities can help increase dopamine production.

The Science Behind Music and Dopamine

Did you know that pleasurable music boosts dopamine? It’s because this kind of music triggers a reward pathway in your brain.

Meditation for Boosting Dopamine

Meditation and mindfulness are known to help boost dopamine levels. They’re good for mental health.

4. Supplementation

Taking vitamins D3, B6 and iron supplements can help raise dopamine levels. As always, ask your doctor before starting a supplement regimen.

Safe Supplements to Consider

Vitamin D3, curcumin, green tea and oregano extract are being studied as potential dopamine boosters. But we need more research before we know for sure.

5. Other Factors to Consider

Other factors that can help control dopamine are:

Managing Stress for Healthy Dopamine Levels

Proper stress management keeps your nervous system steady. This allows steady dopamine flow.

Social Interactions and Dopamine Levels

Good social interaction triggers oxytocin release, which can then trigger dopamine release. Hence, regular, positive social interaction can help increase dopamine levels.

Engaging in regular exercise, practising yoga, meditation, eating a balanced diet and getting good sleep can help boost dopamine levels naturally in healthy individuals. People with low dopamine levels due to underlying medical conditions may start feeling better when the underlying condition is addressed. Doctors may also prescribe supplements if needed.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MD

Diagnosis and When to See a Healthcare Provider

It may be possible to manage dopamine personally, but some signs may require a doctor’s advice.

Diagnosing Dopamine Deficiency

Normal checks don’t include dopamine levels. Doctors instead watch for symptoms. If you feel constantly sad, hopeless, unmotivated or have physical symptoms, you should seek professional help.

When To Seek Medical Attention

Head to the doctor if you show persistent symptoms of low dopamine levels. Your doctor or healthcare provider may prescribe certain medications, generally based on your condition to manage your dopamine levels and limit the associated symptoms.


A good dopamine balance is essential for both body and mind. From motivation to memory, maintaining healthy dopamine levels hugely affects our life quality. Being aware of low dopamine signs and handling factors such as diet, lifestyle habits, stress and social gatherings can help keep dopamine in check without relying solely on medical interventions. However, when symptoms of low dopamine persist, seeking professional help to get the right diagnosis and treatment is crucial.

Even with plenty of studies, how exactly dopamine affects our body is still complex and intriguing. But one thing is for sure. Be it the thrill from a piece of good news, the joy in social gatherings, the satisfaction of a good meal, or even the pure pleasure of good sleep, dopamine is key. And like everything else, balance is crucial.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the symptoms of low dopamine?

Physical symptoms may include shaking, stiffness or swallowing difficulty. Emotional symptoms often include constant sadness, hopelessness and lack of motivation.

What triggers dopamine release?

Things like pleasing social interaction, rewarding events, delicious food and enjoyable music can release dopamine. Note that some drugs can also let out dopamine, leading to possible addiction.

Is ADHD a lack of dopamine?

Dopamine might contribute to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Yet, we don’t fully understand this connection. Healthcare providers often treat ADHD with medications known to boost dopamine in the brain.

Which foods increase dopamine the most?

Foods like beef, chicken, fish and eggs are heavy with tyrosine. This is an amino acid that’s vital in making dopamine—so eating more of these foods could potentially boost your dopamine levels.

What increases dopamine quickly?

Fast ways to increase dopamine include doing rewarding activities, music, exercises, or even eating a protein-rich meal. Then again, it’s important to note that these fixes are temporary. Hence, maintaining healthy habits is key to regulating dopamine long-term.

What are 5 ways to increase dopamine?

Boost dopamine by keeping a balanced diet, staying active, sleeping regularly, handling stress properly and maintaining healthy social ties.

How do I motivate myself to make dopamine?

Keeping up with daily routines that lift dopamine, such as savouring protein-packed meals, staying true to workout schedules and getting enough sleep, could encourage oneself to embrace a lifestyle that naturally supports dopamine control.

Does coffee increase dopamine?

Yes, coffee can lift your dopamine levels. Coffee’s caffeine can boost dopamine in your mind. But, once caffeine’s effects wear off, dopamine levels drop, possibly leading to dependency issues.


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Is There A Difference Between An Anxiety Attack Vs A Panic Attack?

Anxiety is something we all experience on and off, usually due to situations in our life that appear difficult to us. Some of us may even experience panic attacks during our lives, due to major events or at times without any identifiable cause. While most people think of these as the same thing, there are a few differences to be aware of.

Both panic attacks and anxiety attacks are psychological issues that lead to physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate, sweating and feeling fearful. Some people may also feel nauseous and have difficulty breathing easily. Let’s look into both of these a little closer so that we can tease out the overlooked difference between the two: 

Most panic attacks usually last anywhere between 5-15 minutes and usually pass on their own, and act as a natural response to stressful or dangerous situations.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack

Anxiety is a well-known feeling, most people will experience varying levels of anxiety at some point in their life, which is normal. Often, when the feeling of anxiety is excessive and not in proportion to the event that is triggering it, it could be a matter of concern. In general, however, anxiety attacks typically will have a known cause (usually something external), they may occur without an identifiable cause (a deep-rooted psychological issue or due to other medical conditions). Anxiety usually builds up gradually, for example, feeling more and more anxious when you need to speak at a public presentation. Some signs of an anxiety attack may be nervousness, an uneasy tummy and mounting stress or a feeling of queasiness slowly building up. 

A panic attack is an intense, short-lived condition. Some signs of a panic attack include nausea, feeling like you’re losing control, fearing for your life, headache, abdominal ache, dizziness, sweating, difficulty in speaking, listening, seeing, difficulty in breathing and a racing heartbeat. It will feel like your body is shutting down. Panic attacks may or may not be caused by external triggers, often they may or may not have a specific cause. People who have regular panic attacks may be suffering from panic disorder. 

The hallmark characterisitic of a panic attack is that it has no trigger where as anxiety attacks have a trigger.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Also Read: What is Trypophobia: A Deep Dive into the Fear of Holes

Difference Between Panic Attack and Anxiety Attack

The primary difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack is the duration and onset of each attack. Panic attacks are usually shorter and can happen suddenly, especially if they do not have a specific cause (called stressor). In a few cases, panic attacks can persist for a longer duration, but typically the signs of a panic attack will start reducing after 30 minutes or less. 

Anxiety on the other hand can persist for as long as the trigger is around. If an event, task or social interaction is triggering anxiety, you may feel the symptoms and signs of an anxiety attack until you are removed from that situation. Unlike a panic attack, an anxiety attack will build up gradually. 

Another major difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks is the severity of the physical and emotional symptoms. A panic attack is usually very intense and can be accompanied by feelings of detachment (both from the world and oneself). The physical symptoms are usually similar between these two, but just stronger with panic attacks. 

Causes and Treatments

Anxiety attacks and panic attacks can have similar causes, these may include:

Note that this list of triggers and causes for panic attacks and anxiety attacks do not include panic attacks that do not have any trigger. Many people suffer from sudden panic attacks that are caused by no known reasons. However, on evaluation, your psychiatrist can help in understanding, identifying the cause and managing these conditions better.  

Typically, clinical treatment for both these conditions will include therapy (chiefly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT) and sometimes medications. Some anxiety treatments at home include slow and controlled breathing, training yourself to accept the situation you’re going through and using relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques include progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery or even aromatherapy. However, you can also use other healthy methods as long as it calms you down. Panic attack treatments at home include the same things, but you may need to talk to your psychiatrist or counsellor whenever you have a panic attack.    

Anxiety Attack vs Panic Attack – Risk Factors 


While the difference is not obvious at first, hopefully, this overview has helped you understand panic attacks vs anxiety attacks better. Keep in mind that an anxiety attack can also climax into a panic attack. Also, the home remedies mentioned above are only to be used along with any other treatment your doctor has prescribed. If you or anyone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms, please seek medical attention at the earliest. 

Also Read: How to Reduce Anxiety Immediately: Quick and Effective Techniques

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


Mental Sharpness – Find Out How You Can Sharpen It Further

You probably spend quite a few hours every week training your body – of course, it helps you to stay fit and healthy. But how much time do you spare training your brain? As you age, you may find that your concentration levels are dipping or you are becoming forgetful. A strong memory depends on the vitality and health of your brain.

How to sharpen your brain further?

A new concept – brain training can help you recall facts, retain information, and sharpen your reasoning skills. Whether you are looking to boost mental performance, preserve memory, or sharpen your mind, these tips can help –

1. Exercise your brain by solving problems –

Your mind will stay sharp when brain plasticity is maintained. Brain plasticity is the brain’s ability to change over the course of a lifetime. You can maintain and improve this plasticity by participating in cognitive training exercises – these challenge a person’s intellectual capacity. Learning a foreign language, playing board games – like chess or solving puzzles can stimulate your thought process and also improve your eye-hand coordination.

2. Don’t skip your yoga classes –

Physical exercise is very important for your mental well-being, as it helps the brain to stay sharp. Yoga for mental health increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and lowers the risk of certain conditions that may lead to loss of memory. You can also turn to meditation for mental health because it reduces the effect of stress hormones in the body.Read More About 5 Health Benefits of Yoga

3. Sleep like a baby –

Like any other body organ, your brain too needs to rest properly at the end of the day. Performing activities throughout the day can exhaust your brain and affect its functioning. Therefore, getting proper and sufficient sleep at night is crucial – it helps the brain to relax and allows it to rejuvenate. You should aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night in order to prevent sleep-related disorders and sharpen your mental health.

4. Follow a brain-boosting diet –

Just as your body needs fuel to perform daily tasks, so does your brain. A diet that comprises leafy greens, fruits, healthy fats, lean protein, and whole grains not only provide numerous health benefits for your body but also boosts brain functioning. For mental health, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants – berries, grapes, green tea – are great sources of vital nutrients that help in brain functioning and protect brain cells from damage.Read More About 5 Best Foods For Brain Health

5. De-stress –  

Chronic stress can destroy your brain cells and damage the portion of the brain that retrieves old memories and forms new ones. Several studies have associated stress with poor memory. Therefore, to keep stress under check – set achievable goals, take breaks in between work and express your thoughts and feelings. Meditation for mental health can help you de-stress and improve your ability to focus on everyday tasks.  Also Read About: 7 Types of Relaxation Techniques That Help You Fight Stress  

6. Learn a new language –

Learning a language is good work for the brain. Even if you don’t necessarily need to learn a language, you can learn one for boosting brainpower. It will be useful during international travel. It improves cognitive functioning in older adults. There are fun and effective virtual options for practising a new language, like Duolingo and Babble.

7. Find a new hobby –

Learning a craft or skill can stimulate your mind. It also relieves boredom and gives you something to look forward to every day. Whether you’re learning a new recipe or brushing up on your computer skills, it can have a positive effect on your mind and mood. Try out sewing, gardening, photography, fishing, etc.Although there are no clinically proven ways to reverse the course of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, these tips may help combat the normal, age-related mental decline. By continuing to find unique ways to stimulate your brain, you increase the odds your brain will thrive for years to come.Memory lapses can affect anyone at any age. So taking steps to increase mental sharpness is a must if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life.Also Read: Apple Diet: Unpacking the Potential Health Benefits and Risks Based on StudiesDisclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.

Can Stammering Disorder In Children Be Corrected?

The development of speech is an important aspect of a child’s growth. Many children face problems with the pronunciation of syllables during the ages of two to five years. One of the most common problems faced by children is stuttering disorder. If you are a parent whose child is facing this difficulty then read on to know how you can aid your child’s stammering treatment.

Causes of Stuttering in Children 

Stuttering and stammering are two names for the same condition, the former is an American variant while the latter is a British one. Stammering is a speech disorder that makes it difficult for a person to speak certain words with fluency and clarity. People with stuttering speech find it difficult to converse with a normal flow of words as their speech gets disrupted. Though still in use, stuttering is not used as the diagnostic term anymore, the medical term for this condition is Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder according to DSM-5. 

Children who stammer often have to repeat syllables to complete a word and take a long time to enunciate words. Stuttering is a disorder with no pinpointed or definitive causes. Some factors might lead to the development of stammering speech in a child: 

Acquired or late-onset stammering is relatively rare and happens in older children and adults as a result of a head injury, stroke or progressive neurological condition. It can also be caused by certain drugs, medicines, or psychological or emotional trauma, and usually difficult to cure.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Stuttering occurs when there is some kind of error that delays the message a child’s brain sends to the muscles involved in speech.

Stress or anxiety is not a cause for stuttering and stammering but stress can worsen the condition. Stuttering may build up over time or even affect a child very suddenly. The peak time for a child to develop this problem is when they start to learn and pronounce complex words and create longer sentences. 

It’s common for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years to go through periods when they may stutter. For most children, this is part of learning to speak, and it gets better on its own. However, stuttering that persists may require treatment to improve speech fluency.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

How Can Stammering Affect Your Child? 

Stammering can mentally affect a child and lead to low self-esteem and anxiety. It has been observed that peers often ridicule a child with speech difficulties such as a stuttering disorder. Here are some of the ways that this speech difficulty can affect your child:

 Ways in Which You Can Help Your Child Overcome Stuttering

Stuttering is not an uncommon disorder and a large number of people face it at some point in their lives. To help your child overcome their stuttering speech you will require patience, kindness and understanding. Here are some ways in which you can help with your child’s stammering treatment:

If your child is facing a stuttering disorder you will have to be extra attentive towards what they are saying. When they are stammering it is important to take time and let them finish their sentences so that you can understand what they are saying. Taking time to closely pay attention to their speech makes a child feel heard and boosts their confidence. When you do this exercise each time they speak and do not ask them to repeat frequently the child will not feel as if something is wrong with them. 

It can be difficult to communicate with a child who stammers during their speech development phase. Stammering treatment starts at home and you should allow your child to converse at a pace that is comfortable to them, instead of forcing upon any other model of communication. If your child is speaking either slowly or very fast you should not try to correct it at this stage as it can build up more tension in their mind. 

A stuttering child is often criticised and corrected whenever they speak, causing a lot of trauma to them. This may lower their confidence. Always keep a positive attitude around your child and respond positively even if you do have to correct them at times. Constant correction of their speech will not make the problem go away, thus it is important to keep encouraging them throughout.

A great way to make your child feel less conscious about their stuttering disorder is to not put special attention to it. Treat stuttering as a normal way of speaking if your child is suffering from it. When they notice that there is not much attention on their disorder, it becomes easier to recover from it. 

Take time out and engage in one on one bonding sessions with your child. Maintain eye contact when they are speaking as this can help them feel more important and boost their confidence. Help them address their difficulties in a gradual manner. 

If your child faces a stammering speech you should also visit a speech therapist for effective stammering treatment. A speech therapist can help you correctly address how to help your child overcome their difficulty. If you stay patient throughout the process and support your child with the tips in the article, you can help your child overcome the disorder quickly. It is vital to remind your child that they are not the only ones who stammer and it is nothing to feel bad or ashamed about!

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Learn To Identify OCD Before You Get Hurt

We have all heard of OCD. We often use this term to make fun of someone who seems very keen on keeping things organized and in the right place. However, this is not actually what OCD is. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a real psychological disorder that can manifest in people of any age or social-economic background. Because most people do not know what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is, there could be many individuals who are living with OCD without realizing it. Untreated OCD can worsen and reach a stage where it can take a significant time from a person’s routine that it may affect their work and personal life.

What exactly is OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. It traps an individual into performing a series of activities (compulsions) that they cannot control in response to recurring ideas, thoughts, or feelings (obsessions).

While it may not sound grave and dangerous, even mild levels of OCD can really interfere with and affect the quality of a person’s life and social interactions. 

The thoughts or sensations (obsessions) that come unwanted to the person’s mind are persistent and the behaviour they provoke (compulsion) is rigid. Not acting on those obsessions can cause tremendous discomfort, anxiety and distress to the person. They have no choice but to perform certain activities (like constant hand washing, other rituals or cleaning things).

Some people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder realize that their obsessions are not always realistic, while others don’t (in psychological jargon this is called ‘limited insight’). Even for the people who are aware of the irrationality of the obsessions, it is not possible to dissociate themselves from the thoughts that trigger compulsions. 

At some point in their lives, everyone may experience obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour to a mild grade. But that does not mean that we all have short-lived Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. For a person to be clinically diagnosed with OCD, the obsessions need to be extreme and the compulsive behaviour that results must take up at least 1 hour of the day. Not giving in to the compulsive actions to relieve the obsessions will cause immense distress. 

Why does OCD lead to physical injuries?

Certain compulsive behaviour in response to obsessions can cause minor to major injuries. Constant hand washing, rubbing of the skin with a cloth, self-medicating out of irrational fears of germs and bacteria, ritualistic compulsions and ticks while driving, etc. can cause damage to a person’s health.

OCD can also cause psychological injuries. People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are misunderstood and mocked. Hence they often feel alone and alienated. They are forced to become reclusive. This may in turn lead to depression

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How to recognize if you have OCD?

The best way to know if you or people you know have OCD is to consult a psychiatrist if your daily routine or activities look unusual to you or are pointed out as abnormal by your family members. Let’s learn more Obsessive Compulsive Disorder symptoms. 

Here is a list of some common obsessions that may be experienced in different types of OCD-

ContaminationFear of-Germs, bacteria, viruses. Environmental pollutants, Bodily fluids, Dirt and mud. Household chemicals like paint
Causing harmFear-of-Harming someone such as by carelessly dropping a banana peel to the floor, or leaving a water spill. Damaging a property by accidentally starting a fire. Facilitating a burglary by forgetting to lock the doors
Unwanted thoughtsSexual thoughts and reactions that seem forbidden or perverse to the person, Fears about being sexually aggressive towards someone.
Obsessions of a religious/spiritual natureFears-of-Offending God, Hurting others’ religious sentiments, Making wrong moral decisions
Loss of controlFears of-Doing something impulsive that may harm others, Hurting oneself, Aggressive or violent thoughts and images that come unbidden to one’s mind. Cursing or swearing in public
PerfectionismObsessed with-Keeping things organized, exact and even. Remembering everything or needing to know everything, Fears-of-Forgetting vital information, Losing objects. Not being able to decide what to discard and what to store

Here is a list of compulsions

Constant cleaningWashing or sanitizing hands constantly, Frequent showering, Brushing teeth every few hours. Cleaning household objects repetitively. Activities to counter any possible contact with contaminants
Repeatedly checking and confirmingConstantly checking if-Doors are locked, Electrical switches are off when leaving the house. All essentials are with the person when he/she leaves the house. Did not do anything that might physically harm someone else, Did not make any errors or mistakes
Repeated actionsRegular activities like closing or opening doors, walking in or out of the room, Ticks like blinking, touching something or tapping. Rearranging things until they feel satisfied, Constantly praying to God for forgiveness. Doing something in multiples such as closing a door 3 times because three might be a good or lucky number 
Other compulsionsCounting steps while walking, Counting while doing something, Establishing rigid non-bendable routines

What is to be done?


Seek help if you think that you or your loved ones have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It can be severely restrictive to a happy and healthy lifestyle and can also take a toll on the person’s financial, personal and professional life. Most people keep on struggling with this disorder without even knowing that it can be managed well by a psychiatrist. There is a way you can integrate into society by bringing the disorder under control and that is therapy and medication.

Also Read: What is Trypophobia: A Deep Dive into the Fear of Holes

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Sound Sleep vs. Regular Exercise – A Comparison

The three pillars of a healthy and fit lifestyle are regular exercise, a balanced and nutritious diet, as well as adequate sleep at night. Doctors and nutritionists have always been of a unanimous opinion when it comes to the benefits of a nutritious diet. However, there have often been debates about the benefits of good sleep compared to the benefits of physical activity. If you suffer from this common dilemma of whether to prioritize 8 hours of sleep over 1 hour of physical activity and exercise, then it is best to consider the following facts.

Why Adequate Sleep?

While exercise may be a requirement in the modern sedentary and urban lifestyle of most Indians, overindulgence in work can often lead to tiredness and fatigue. Most people tend to forego the benefits of good sleep in exchange for an adrenaline-pumping session of physical activity at the gym. While the effects of exercise on the body may be unparalleled, without the required 8 hours of sleep, you will not experience any muscle regeneration after an intense workout session.

Is Physical Exercise more Important?

The effects of exercise on the body have been well documented and proven for several years. Specifically for people with chronic conditions like Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, regular physical exercise can be highly effective in symptom management. Getting an adequate amount of sleep without any physical activity could lead to serious health complications in the form of Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and even certain coronary heart diseases. That does not mean the benefits of physical exercise can surpass the benefits of good sleep.

Health Benefits of Exercise and Sleep

Adequate amount of sleep, as well as a general physical activity both, have a positive impact on physical health. While the benefits of physical exercise include increased cardiovascular capabilities and physical fitness, the benefits of good sleep include increased physical vitality, better mental health and higher energy levels. Moreover, a minimum of 8 hours of sleep has often been deemed essential for people in competitive sports because, without proper rest, the body cannot keep up with the requirements of competitive sports. On the other hand, the effects of exercise on the body are also indispensable when it comes to maintaining good health.

Effects on Mental Health

The benefits of physical exercise on mental health have been avidly researched and most have concluded that physical exercise helps relieve stress and tension arising out of the monotonous pressure of daily life. Physical exercise also helps uplift mood due to the release of happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin. Therefore, it can also help to boost your self-esteem and encourage a positive and holistic outlook on life.

A healthy 8 hours of sleep, on the other hand, can help to maintain emotional and mental stability. It can be extremely helpful for people suffering from depression and anxiety as it helps to relax the mind as well as the body. Moreover, with adequate amounts of sleep, you can also see a significant improvement in your concentration power and overall mood.

Good Sleep vs Adequate Exercise

To solve this common dilemma, the benefits and drawbacks of physical exercise and 8 hours of sleep need to be compared and contradicted. While the benefits of physical exercise may be important for physical fitness, it does put some physical strain and may be difficult to perform with people suffering from severe ailments. However, the benefits of good sleep can truly enhance your mental as well as physical well-being without any fatigue or extra effort.

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Therefore, it is suggested that you should try to include some exercise and quality sleep in your daily routine. Even if you do not get enough physical exercise due to unavoidable circumstances, you should never skip out on 8 hours of sleep. The duration of sleep, the routine of sleep and quality of sleep are all important for good health. Both exercise and good sleeping habits bring with them a host of health benefits and you should try and avail all of them for a happy and healthy life.

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What Are The Physical And Mental Tolls Of Sleep Deprivation?


To compete with the pace of life getting faster every year, it seems like we have forgotten to give adequate rest to our mind and body. With work and other responsibilities demanding a lot of our attention and energy, regular and healthy sleep is almost seen as an inconvenience rather than a necessity. 

A recent study showed that about 53% of Indians sleep late, preferring to scroll through social media instead of getting an early night and a few others had disturbed sleep through the night. Sleep is involved in physical and mental health and sleep loss can lead to severe negative impacts on both of them.  

What are the common causes of Lack of Sleep?

The causes of lack of sleep are varied across individuals but a few common themes can be seen. Social media and the internet itself has become a battleground for grabbing and keeping the attention of user’s, whether it’s through algorithms or addictive apps and games. People fall into a routine of winding their day down with social media or YouTube, assuming this helps them relax before bed. 

The fact is, these apps and the internet as a whole, stimulates the brain keeping it engaged and not allowing for any mental relaxation to take place. This leads to a delay of sleep, sometimes for hours on end, which of course leads to several physiological issues. Of course, there are many other causes of lack of sleep and social media/apps/the internet when used appropriately can have many benefits. It isn’t just something negative that you have to avoid all the time. 

Having a newborn may also be a sweet cause of sleep loss, while other causes of lack of sleep include insomnia and anxiety, stress, depression or a change of schedule. Some diseases, medicines, sleep disorders and illnesses may also lead to improper sleep such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. Ageing may also lead to chronic sleep loss. 

How does Sleep Loss impact your health?

Sleep Loss on a few occasions typically does not lead to any drastic effects on your mind or body, except that you might feel tired. However, the effects of sleep deprivation, especially chronically lacking sleep, can be grave and may require treatment.

How can Sleep Loss be fixed

Despite the issues associated with it, sleep loss can be fixed. Fixing your sleep cycle depends upon the causes of disruption of sleep. The hopeful fact is that, once your body is trained, a lot of your symptoms and issues will disappear or reduce in intensity. Getting to the point where your body is following a natural rhythm of sleep and being awake requires effort and planning.

Some home remedies include a warm bath before bed to relax you physically and loosen your muscles and joints. Additionally, you should keep your phone away whenever you get into bed, creating a separation between being on your phone and being in bed. This can train your body to accept that when you’re in bed, sleep is the goal. You can use your phone to play soft, calming music in case it helps, but set the music and leave the phone!  Avoid watching any video or movie that has violent or disturbing content especially before your sleep-time.

Keep your bedroom clean, ventilated and organised, for a peaceful and relaxing environment that promotes quality sleep. Relaxation techniques and meditation can be of great help too. The temperature in your room also plays an important role in allowing you to fall asleep quickly, when your body is uncomfortable it will be really hard to fall asleep. Figure out what the best temperature for you is and do your best to keep your room within that range.  

Lastly, you may want to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist, since you may have issues that require expert treatment. You may be prescribed sleeping medication, apart from any treatment for the underlying causes of your sleep loss. 


From the effects sleep loss has on our body and mind, it’s clear to see that sleep is an essential and vital body function. When you lay in bed social media may be engaging or your brain may be busy reliving the busy day you’ve just been through- remember that you won’t be able to function fully the next day without a good night’s rest. If your problems persist for over a week, you should definitely seek professional help, whether a counsellor, a psychiatrist or a sleep specialist. 

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World Mental Health Day: Show Some Love To Your Mental Health!

Over the last few months, certain events have shone the spotlight on the need to take better care of our mental health. We are living in an era when our psychological well-being is under threat. So, this World Mental Health Day (10th October),   let us look into why your psychological happiness is being challenged and what you should do about it.

Work-From-Home: Not as convenient as we thought

When WFH became a new norm, we were excited as we all thought that this would save us from physical exertions of travelling back and forth from the office. But unique problems accompany WFH-

The ever-present stress of work overload and conflict is draining us and making us lose interest in life. We feel helpless and misunderstood. This situation gives rise to depression – the silent killer.  

Mental health is a universal human right, however the stigma associated with mental health lies deep. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will experience major depression in their lives. Never neglect your mental health.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Add to that the fear of catching COVID-19

Ever since the pandemic struck, we have been reading reports of how unstoppable it is. Millions have contracted it and far too many people have died. We not only fear for our own safety, but also for the health of our parents, grandparents or children who are more vulnerable.  

COVID-19 has also triggered immense financial difficulties with thousands having lost their jobs while most others are working on reduced pay. So people are experiencing anxiety over how to make ends meet. The endless worrying over health and finances is another reason why so many people are witnessing depression.

Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood, helping us determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices, thus the importance of World Mental Health Day.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Is there a way out?

COVID-19 and WFH are here to stay until we have a vaccine. So we have to take action right now and preserve our mental health. Everyone is in danger. But fortunately, there are a few things you can do to deal with all the factors that cause stress and depression-

1. When you are working from home, assign a separate room for yourself which is to be out of bounds to everyone else, including children. Explain to everyone why a few hours of undisturbed peace are essential for work.  


2. Share household chores equally with other members of the household so that everyone’s workload is equally distributed.

3. Avoid fighting with your loved ones, everyone is stressed. When you are angry, breathe in deeply 10 times and your anger will disappear.

4. Practice yoga and deep breathing every day. Don’t forget to exercise as that releases happy hormones.    

5. If you realize that you have clinical depression, DO NOT hesitate to seek therapy. Depression can destroy your life.  

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s mental health. Talk to your loved ones about your fears and anxiety as that lessens the burden. We are all in it together and with proper caution, we will all emerge unhurt from this crisis.  


International Yoga Day – Harnessing The Power Of Yoga To Beat Covid-19!

International Yoga Day is finally here! Should 21st June be just another day on the calendar for you? Or will you let this be the day when you make a decision that will protect you from the pandemic?

A strong immune system can protect you from COVID-19 and other illnesses. There is no better way to boost your immunity than with yoga. Yoga prevents autonomic changes that impair your cellular immunity. By curbing stress and inflammation, it empowers your immunity.

If you don’t practice yoga, it’s never too late. Take that step today to have an alert mind and a healthy body! Are you wondering which yoga postures, in particular, will help your immune system? We have made a shortlist for you-

Asanas to benefit your immunity

Yoga will seem hard at the beginning if you are new to it. But with just a few days of dedicated practice, your body will become more flexible.

1. Salamba Bhujangasana

It is an easy yoga pose and terrific for suppressing stress. Lie down flat on your tummy and extend your arms forward. Lift your neck slowly, all the while relaxing your glutes. Hold the pose and breathe in and out slowly for as long as you are comfortable.

This pose gets your life energy flowing through your body and that preps you for the challenges of the day ahead.

2. Trikonasana

Trikonasana also begins with the tadasana. Now exhale and widen the gap between your legs until they are 3  ½ or 4 feet apart. Raise your arm along your sides and make sure that they are parallel to the ground. Now bend your upper body to the left. Bend from the waist. Grip your left ankle with your left hand. The right arm should be pointed towards the ceiling and perpendicular to the ground.

This pose improves your lung capacity and protects them from respiratory illnesses like the current pandemic.


3. Parivrtta Utkatasana

Stand in the mountain pose or tadasana (standing pose), inhale and lift your arms. Exhale and bend your knees. Push your hips back and bend your upper body forward. Now twist your body. One arm will face the ceiling and the other arm will support you with the palm placed flat against the floor next to your feet.

This posture not only increases your flexibility but is good for your gut bacteria that strengthen immunity. It increases the production of digestive enzymes and detoxifies your body.

4. Anuvittasaa

This looks like a simple exercise, but executing it perfectly can take some getting used to. All you need to do is stand straight, raise your arms and make sure they are parallel to your ears. Now start bending back as far as you can go.

This posture stretches out your backbone, shoulders and neck muscles and is tremendously good for your heart. It ensures that more blood is pumped to all parts of your body. This translates to a greater oxygen supply to each cell, which makes them immune to diseases and oxidative stress.

5. Garudasana

This is a balancing act. It rights your body’s equilibrium, keeps the body grounded and enhances blood circulation by releasing tension and knots in your muscles. Your life force flows uninterrupted and toughens up your immunity.

Start with tadasana. Standing on your right foot, cross your left thigh over the right. Now point your left foot down and hook it around your right shin. Stretch out your arms in front of you and parallel to the ground. Cross your arms (right arm over the left) and bend the elbows. Then raise both forearms (they should be perpendicular to the ground). Ensure that the backs of the palms are touching each other.

Now turn the right hand to the right and the left hand to the left so that the palms face each other. Make sure that your right thumb passes in front of your left little finger. Stretch your fingers towards the ceiling. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds, unwind and continue with the legs and arms reversed.



Meditation for diluting stress

Stress and anxiety lower your body’s defences. Meditation is complementary to yoga and together the two can beat stress to strengthen your immunity.

How to meditate

Yoga is an inexpensive path to wellness and health. So make it a part of your life to enhance your wellbeing.

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Lockdown Anxiety – 5 Tips To Cope With It!

In these uncertain times, you could find yourself anxious, stressed and nervous about the future. Researchers have observed that large-scale disasters such as pandemics, tend to cause an increase in mental health issues such as depression, substance abuse and behavioural disorders.  

The regular news of the current COVID-19 pandemic, with its vast number of infected cases as well as casualties, is mentally affecting more people each day.  

The link between lockdown and anxiety

Lockdowns have been imposed by certain countries including India to contain the spread of the virus. Long durations of being indoors lead to feelings of restlessness, annoyance, financial pressures, isolation, boredom and disinterest.  

These feelings are completely natural and reasonable and reflect our want for survival. That said, it is important to keep in mind that although worry is normal, panic can prevent us from being rational/logical, which are skills we need at times of such difficulty.

Is the COVID-19 anxiety getting to you? The following are some ways to help keep your mind calm.

1. Limit your news/media exposure: We are constantly exposed to extensive information about COVID-19 through the news, social media, discussions with family and friends. Constant exposure to such news creates negative effects such as feelings of anxiety, fear and stress. Take measures to ensure that you are away from receiving and spreading rumours and false information. Follow reliable news resources. Avoid watching the news all the time but stay updated regarding the guidelines and precautions advised by the Ministry of Health and local public health authorities.

2. Plan activities with your family: The lockdown has allowed us to spend time with our families which was not possible earlier, because of our hectic lifestyle. However, spending too much time together also has its drawbacks. Irritation, anger and frustrations arise because we are restricted from going out. Try and plan fun and relaxing activities which the whole family can participate in, such as board games, movies, arts and crafts or even exercising. Children tend to get irritable since they cannot go out and play, so engage them in activities like games or involve them in household activities. This will help in keeping them occupied as well as ensure more helping hands for household chores.

In-Blog-023. Stay connected: Take out some time during your day to connect virtually with your near and dear ones who stay away, especially those who are elderly or alone. Catch up with your friends or social circle online through video calls. Check up on the elderly or disabled in your neighbourhood and offer to help if they need something. Such deeds will have a positive impact on your mental state.4. Relax and Meditate: You do not have to be occupied all the time. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break and do nothing but relax and breathe. Set aside some quiet time for yourself where you can do something relaxing like taking a long bath or reading a book. Practices such as yoga and meditation are very beneficial in case you feel overwhelmed or anxious.Read More: 7 Different Relaxation  Techniques to Help Fight StressIn-Blog-015.  Focus on Positive thoughts: In these difficult times, it is very easy to focus on the negatives and get stressed. Instead, try and distance the negative thoughts and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Consider keeping a gratitude journal and list down things you are grateful for. Do not overburden yourself with tasks to do; instead, set reasonable deadlines and try to achieve them. Reward yourself for your small achievements.  

If you still feel increasingly stressed and overwhelmed by the current COVID-19 pandemic situation and your mental health issues go on for days without getting better, you may contact COVID-19 national psycho-social toll-free number at 080-46110007 or consult your doctor or mental health professional.  

Lupin has also launched a ‘Jan Kovid’ Helpline (1800-572-6130) for the citizens of Mumbai to resolve queries about COVID-19 and help those suffering from stress/anxiety. Backed by a team of general physicians, psychologists, respiratory physicians and psychiatrists, the helpline number will offer free consultation and respond to all queries related to COVID-19. The service is available in Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English, and will be operational all days from 8 am – 8 pm.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Anxiety: A Research-Based Holistic Approach


Incorporate these tips in your daily life to keep anxiety at bay and tide over the lockdown period. Above all, stay indoors to protect yourself.  

Also Read: How to Reduce Anxiety Immediately: Quick and Effective TechniquesDisclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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