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Things You Must Know Before Treating Obesity With Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery.

Severe Obesity And Its Health Risks

Severe obesity is one of the most serious stages of obesity. You may often find yourself struggling with your weight and essentially feeling as if you’re trapped in a weight gain cycle. In addition, you most likely have attempted numerous diets – only in the end, to see your weight continue to increase. Exercise and diet alone often fail to effectively treat people with extreme and excessive obesity.  

Bariatric surgeries are done when diet and exercise haven’t worked or when you have serious health problems because of your weight. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric band or through the removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery).

Bariatric surgery is designed to alter or interrupt the digestion process so that food is not broken down and absorbed in the usual way. A reduction in the number of nutrients and calories absorbed enables patients to lose weight and decrease their risk for obesity-related health risks or disorders.

Types Of Bariatric Surgery

  1. Adjustable gastric banding (AGB)
  2. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)
  3. Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD-DS)
  4. Vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG)

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. Various patient factors affect which procedure is chosen including BMI, eating habits, health problems related to obesity and the number of previous stomach surgeries. The patient and provider should discuss the most suitable option by considering the benefits and risks of each type of surgery.

Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery

Apart from long and sustained weight loss, bariatric surgery provides the following benefits:

Risks Of Bariatric Surgery

The benefits of bariatric surgery must be weighed against its potential risks. In addition to the risks of the surgery itself (such as death, bleeding, infection and blood clots), bariatric surgery may cause nutritional deficiencies in protein, vitamins and minerals. Bone mineral density loss may develop from inadequate intestinal calcium absorption. Low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) after eating carbohydrates and inadequate vitamin B-12 absorption causing nerve damage to the feet, legs, or hands (peripheral neuropathy), may occur over time.

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Ideal Candidate For This Surgery

Bariatric surgery may be an option for adults who have:

However, consult your doctor who may suggest some extensive screenings to undergo these weight-loss surgeries.

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Post-Surgery Care

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Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients, and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.

8 Versatile Health benefits of Chia seeds

Coming from the plant Salvia Hispanica, the tiny black Chia seeds are a powerful superfood and a famous name amongst the health-conscious. There are many health benefits of Chia seeds.

Dense on nutrients and packed with medicinal and energy-boosting properties, Chia seeds were once consumed by the Aztec soldiers as it gave them strength and vitality. They were also regularly consumed by runners, as they are energy-boosting and came to be known as ‘runners’ food.’

Chia means ‘strength’ in the Mayan language, and these tiny seeds are blessed with bountiful benefits. Here’s a glimpse of a few of the important health benefits of Chia seeds:

Diabetes Treatment

Since they are high on the fibre content, Chia seeds can help control the blood sugar spikes, especially after meals. Researchers have also discovered that Chia seeds help in reducing the ‘belly fat’ tissue and thereby control obesity.

Aging Control and Improved Skin Health

Naturally high on anti-oxidants, Chia seeds can fasten the skin’s repair systems and stop its everyday damage. Regular consumption of Chia seeds also helps to prevent premature ageing of the skin. Also, read about home remedies for glowing skin.

Improved Digestion and Weight Loss

Thanks to their high fibre content, Chia seeds help to regularize the bowel movements. This fibre also makes one feel fuller faster as it quickly absorbs water and expands in the stomach. Thus, it curbs the hunger pangs naturally and suppresses one’s appetite, thereby contributing to weight loss.

Betters Heart Health

Chia seeds are incredibly beneficial when it comes to improving the heart’s health. They regulate the cholesterol levels, lower the blood pressure, and also reverse the oxidative stress. Also, read 20 tips for a healthy heart.

Increased Bone Strength

Chia seeds are the answer when it comes to your daily Calcium consumption. Calcium, as we all know, is an integral component as far as ideal bone health is concerned. Chia seeds also contain boron, an element that helps to metabolize Manganese, Phosphorus, and Calcium, which further elevates bone health. Also, read the best foods for healthy bones.


Chia seeds are a favourite cancer-fighting superfood. They are known to kill the cancerous cells without harming the healthy cells in the body. Studies have proved that Chia seeds are specifically known to reduce the growth of cancer cells in both breast and cervical cancer. Thus, these seeds are indeed a great boon for the womenfolk.

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Good Dental Health

Thanks to their high Calcium content, Chia seeds are a wonder food for our teeth. The Zinc present in the Chia seeds helps to keep tartar at bay. Their antibacterial property also helps to control bad breath.

Increased Benefits During Pregnancy

Expecting mothers should incorporate Chia seeds as a part of their daily diet, for they not only benefit the mother’s health but also aid in the baby’s development. Since they are a high source of Omega-3 fatty acids, they help the baby’s brain development and also assist in replenishing the lost nutrients in the mother.

How to Consume Them?

Well, Chia seeds are versatile, and the health benefits of Chia seeds are many!  You can both soak them and sprout them before consuming them. However, there is no harm in eating them raw too. Since they have a mild nutty taste, you can also use them as an effective garnish too.

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