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Avoid These Foods If You Have Anxiety Or Depression!

Isn’t it a common practice to have something special for dinner or lunch when you have a reason to celebrate? Similarly, it is not unusual for many people to skip a meal or overeat when feeling low or angry. When we are feeling down or happy, we make certain food choices. Our moods affect what we eat. Similarly, what we eat has the power to make a difference in our moods. The effect is more apparent in those who suffer from anxiety or depression as they are more susceptible to mood changes. This also means that making the right food choices can alter our moods to our advantage. Our gut is also known as the second brain and what goes in the gut significantly impacts our mental and emotional wellbeing. Here are some foods to avoid for people susceptible to anxiety or depression.

1. Excessive Sugar

This one is a no-brainer. Sugar increases the glucose levels in the blood leading to a general sense of well-being and happiness. As the glucose levels drop, the person feels low and irritable. Also, sugar has a negative effect on neurons and synapses in the brain. Excessive sugar intake must be avoided.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

Aspartame is an important constituent of all artificial sweeteners. It is also part of colas and diet sodas. Excessive consumption of Aspartame can cause headaches, mood changes and sleep disturbances.

3. Fruit Juices

Drinking juices does not mean you have imbibed the positive benefits of the fruit. Juices are bereft of fibre and may cause a spike in blood sugar levels. For best results, consume whole fruit instead of juice. Packaged juices and beverages are a strict no-no. This can leave you feeling fatigued and depleted apart from causing increased mood changes.

4. Processed and Deep Fried Food

Not only is processed food rich in Trans fats and generally quite harmful for your heart and your health, but it may also increase anxiety and symptoms of depression. Processed and deep-fried food also has a high amount of sodium which tends to cause disruptions in the neurological system. So eat the foods that fight fatigue.

From my knowledge, toast is made of white bread and on digestion, it is converted to blood sugar. Hence, it may result in energy peaks and dips that are detrimental to anxiety and depression. I recommend consuming whole wheat bread in place of white bread.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Also Read: How to Reduce Anxiety Immediately: Quick and Effective Techniques

5. Alcohol

Alcohol is harmful to your health in multiple ways. Excessive drinking can impact your mood, speech, balance and more. In the long term, alcohol has been shown to affect memory, cognition, balance and mood. People with depression and anxiety must speak to their doctor about assistance quitting alcohol.

6. Caffeine

Those who suffer from depression and anxiety might want to ditch their regular cuppa. Caffeine is a stimulant that disturbs the sleep cycle and causes an energy surge. It also reduces the absorption of important mood-balancing vitamins. The caffeine in energy drinks is equivalent to about 10 cans of soda, so you might want to avoid that too. Choose your drink wisely, moderation is the key.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Anxiety: A Research-Based Holistic Approach

In my opinion, doughnuts should be avoided in case one is prone to or suffering from depression or anxiety. Researchers say that doughnuts contain a lot of added sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined flour with bare minimum fibre that may limit absorption, keeping the body deprived and eventually reducing the coping ability of the body against mental illness.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

The best thing would be to identify the foods that trigger depression and anxiety or increase the two for you. Avoid them at all costs to feel better about your life. Healthy eating habits of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and whole grains, nuts and seeds, curd and buttermilk when taken adequately, can help improve your gut health and may aid in balancing mood-related problems.

Read More: Types of Bipolar Disorder You Need To Know About

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Loneliness And Depression: Decoding the Epidemic!

We’re more connected than ever – but are we?

The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved

One is likely to be familiar with the unusually painful and complicated emotional state of experiencing loneliness through isolation, real or virtual.

What Causes Loneliness?

Loneliness is a universal human emotion but is unique to everyone. It is explained simplistically through the bio-psycho-social model that entails a multi-factorial role of biological (genetic), psychological (emotional state and thinking patterns) and social factors (environmental stresses). There are various examples of such psychosocial factors:

  1. Significant change/ life event that brings about unfamiliarity
  2. Feeling different/ out of place from the people around
  3. Having no intimate partner
  4. Not having someone to share with (even pets)
  5. Not enough ME time (solitude)
  6. Frequent heartbreaks/ betrayals
  7. Not having someone to share a living space with (albeit quietly)

It typically brings anxiety about feeling unloved, unwanted and being unproductive not just in the present, but often extends into anxiety about the future. Not surprisingly, research has shown that one could feel just as lonely when surrounded by people, as much as when living in isolation. This tells us that it is more of a state of mind than external separation. For example, it has been seen in people in marriages, relationships, families and even those with successful careers over the years.

Loneliness causes people to crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.

To be happy, we need intimate bonds; we need to be able to confide, we need to feel like we belong, we need to be able to get and give support. Healthy relationships are key – perhaps  the  key – to a happy life.

Of course, being alone and being lonely aren’t the same. Loneliness feels draining, distracting, and upsetting; but desired solitude feels peaceful, creative, and restorative. While loneliness exhibited a discrepancy between one’s perceived need for an achieved level of  social interaction,  solitude  is merely a brief and voluntary absence of social contact. In the words of Nikola Tesla, being alone-that is the secret of the invention, the cradle of creativity.

On a spiritual front,  the existentialist  school of thought views loneliness as an essence of being  human. It advocates that all humans are born alone and ultimately die alone, and coping with this realization, accepting it and learning to direct one’s own life with grace and satisfaction is the  human condition.

Loneliness and Depression

Mental health perspective states that Depression is intricately linked with feeling lonely. It marks a red flag for the suicidal tendency, with an unwillingness to live for others. It can also precipitate substance use disorders due to poor sleep quality, exhaustion or mere means of seeking socialization. At times, schizoid patterns of thought are linked with loneliness, by an autistic regression into a world of their own and evolving into a personality that prefers social alienation over interaction. Loneliness in younger age groups can potentiate destructive behaviors towards self or others and even affect memory and learning adversely, further leading to emotional issues.

When loneliness is chronic (lasting for years) it is linked to increases in  cortisol  levels (stress hormone) causing anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, sleep problems, and weight gain, further creating an increased risk of  stroke  and  cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. It impairs the body’s immune responses, thus increasing susceptibility to illnesses.

What Happens When We are Isolated?

When we feel socially isolated, our nervous systems automatically switch into ‘self-preservation mode,’ which makes us more abrasive and defensive –  even if there’s no threat. Loneliness makes the brain  more alert to threats and the possible danger of strangers, as they remain more active in social situations. This hyper-vigilance to respond  to social threats could be rooted in the  subconscious, thus attracting more negative experiences.

Treatment for Loneliness

Because it has no single common cause, the prevention and treatment of this potentially damaging state of mind can vary dramatically. How do we combat this disease?   Most doctors would recommend  therapy, to understand the cause of the problem, reversing the negative thoughts, feelings, and attitudes resulting from the problem, and exploring ways to help the person feel connected. Alternative approaches include various lifestyle modifications, pet therapy, reminiscence of good old days and indulging in religious/ spiritual activities that encourage socializing and alleviate symptoms of depression.

Be More Social

An essential step towards dealing with loneliness due to lack of socializing is learning social cognitive skills along with social skills training. Results of meta-analyses suggest that correcting maladaptive social cognition offers the best chance of reducing loneliness.

Prevent Loneliness

Like for all disorders, preventing depression & loneliness is better than curing it. While curing loneliness requires one to make a conscious change in life, prevention helps to create positive avenues for bringing about the difference quickly. Education about loneliness, community activities, finding like-minded people, sharing values and ideas with people we meet, having affirmative beginnings to the days, and reinforcing positive attitudes towards relationships are some ways to prevent loneliness from creeping in into our lives.

Also Read: Pregnancy Fatigue: Unraveling Causes and Research-Backed Solutions

Make Time for Yourself

Without great solitude no serious work is possible. – PABLO PICASSO

Steal away opportunities for some time to be with yourself. A significant part of this is turning off the technology. The goal is not to be in solitude all the time either.  There is value in interaction and collaboration, but there must be BALANCE. Right now, it seems like we’ve gotten away from this balance and we’re a little too connected.

Caution for Social Media Exposure

A University of Michigan study found that we’re more likely to use social media when we’re feeling lonely. Although it doesn’t necessarily make us feel lonelier,  watching people’s lives go by on our newsfeeds can lead to feelings of unhappiness. So instead of logging into Facebook next time you’re feeling lonely, try face-to-face interaction and make a phone call to someone you love. Loneliness is subjective and is not to do with your number of likes!

Please note: This article is powered by Juno Clinic.

Juno Clinic is on its way to be India’s leading wellbeing company in terms of Quality and Reach. We provide a full stack of services including counseling, treatment, and assessment.  Our therapists offer to counsel over  video/audio/chat. The  online platform  has been developed specifically for  seamless counseling process and high engagement level, which can be used by therapists anywhere in the world.

Also Read:  Causes of Depression  – The Reasons for Feeling Depressed